2. What is “a disease” in homeopathy

You have decided to use homeopathy as a treatment - I will tell you the basic principles of homeopathic medicine, the way you will be treated.  It is very important to realize that homeopathic treatment differs greatly from what we used to in conventional allopathic medicine.

In homeopathy we consider a course of a disease as a certain dynamic process, which, as long as a human being  lives, is constantly moving in one of two directions.  In the direction of recovery in case of consistent functioning of self-regulatory systems or in case of proper  regulatory therapy; or in the direction of disease progression in case of self-regulatory system dysfunction or in case of suppressive therapy.

We consider a course of a disease as a consequent undergoing of certain stages.

Let me detail it.

Every human being all through his life is suffering from one and the same illness, which is progressing over the years. In homeopathy a disease is considered to undergo 5 stages in its progress:

  • Stage 1. At this stage, when the body is at the initial stage of its disease, self-regulatory systems act in such a way that any pathogenic factor, came from the outside or developed inside the body, can be eliminated through the skin. Any pollen, vaccines, food products, bacteria, air pollutants, medicaments – all of them can act as a disease-producing agent. If the body is at the initial stage of a disease, it seeks to eliminate all above mentioned through the nose. Dermal itchy eruption is considered to be a clinical feature of the first stage of a disease.
  • Stage 2. If the self-regulatory systems cannot eliminate the disease-producing agents, then the disease advances into the second stage. At this stage the body “activates” new organs of excretion, i.e. mucous. At this stage we see mucous excretions: nasal, eye, genital, digestive and other discharges. Thus, when a patient has dermal or mucous discharges as cardinal symptoms we consider that the patient is apparently healthy, in other words, self-regulatory systems function very well, performing its primary purpose – what is harmful for the body, must be eliminated.  I always tell to my patients that a healthy child is a child having “the snivels” or rash on his cheeks very often. Such children, as a rule, do not get ill or have mild cases.
  • Stage 3. If the body could not cope with the disease-producing factors by simply eliminating them through the nose and through mucosa, it activates an additional defense mechanism - inflammation. Thus, a clinical feature of the body being at the third stage is the presence of an inflammatory disease. Symptoms denoting that  the body is at this stage are Inflammations of internals: hepatitis, pneumonia, arthritis, adnexitis, etc. At this stage the body can cope with the inflammatory diseases by itself, but in this case with the help of other self-regulatory mechanisms: temperature rise, formation of an anti-inflammatory bank, increase of a lymphoid tissue, etc. If it succeeds then the function of any mucosae increases (a patient with pneumonia may have diarrhea). 
  • Stage 4. If the body could not overcome the inflammation stage, then, naturally ,it advances into the forth stage of tumors. When any organ is attached by a tumor, we consider it to be the last chance for the body  to localize the disease. If you let alone this tumor, then the body will maintain the existing level of health by the stages of inflammation an excretion.
  • Stage 5. If we however interfered with this stage, destroyed the tumor mostly by hormones or surgical intervention, then the body advances into the fifth stage of generative changes. Symptoms denoting that the body is at this stage are serious organic changes which can be traced by all diagnostic equipment: ulceration, osteoporosis, ischemia, degeneration, sclerosis, dystrophy, calculi, etc. At this stage a person practically cannot live without medications.

Therefore, according to the concept of homeopathic medicine, the way and the time a person will live does not depend on ecology or allergens, viruses or bacteria, but only on how quickly his organism will  undergo all these stages. Let me again point up that as long as an organism lives it constantly seeks to reverse the course of its disease in the direction of recovery, i.e. to the first stage. A baby born even at the fifth stage, i.e. having any serious organic lesion, activates the self-regulatory mechanisms right after it was born, guiding the disease to the stage of  inflammation, and then – to the stage of mucous and integumental excretions. Any further prognosis of its life may depend on whether “the mind” of the organism will be suppressed at this very stage or not.

And for the rest of our life the way we manage to cope with this or that problem entirely depends on how healthy constitution is. I.e. at which stage its disease is.

We often take notice that during one and the same epidemy, influenza, for example, healthy people may have just enlarged cutaneous eruption, while all the family came down with a bad cold. The others during the same epidemy will have only high temperature and then mucous excretions (sniffles, cough, diarrhea, etc). The thirds will come through the inflammation from  lungs to brain, the fourths – through decompensation from  kidneys to  heart.