The faster the illness has progressed, the longer the healing process takes. And, vice versa, the slower the illness progresses, the faster one is recovered.
What factors a disease progression depends on.
On constitution. There are strong and weak constitutions: the stronger the constitution is, it is more difficult to suppress it. The clinical sign of a strong constitution is the long-lasting symptom expression, denoting that the organism is on some stage. A patient with the strong constitution has been suffering from the skin problems for years, he needs to lower the temperature again and again, but it goes up anew. After the removal of a tumor from one organ – the new one grows in another. With the weak constitution every stage can be suppressed without effort. And the progression of a disease does not take much time.
On the stage of suppression. The most dangerous suppression is when effected on the upper stage – the psychological. Such a suppression can be effected both with the help of different medical techniques (coding, for example), and on the social stage. A tyrannical mate or a vain parent by their suppression give rise to a disorder in the self-regulatory functions, when the disease progresses maximally fast. A person has to live differently from what his organism needs to, but according the way somebody beside him thinks, though from the best of motives.
On the degree of suppression. The more it is qualified, the more dangerous it is. To “smear” the skin eruptions with the brilliant green is much less dangerous than with the hormonal cream, to reduce the manifestations of the stress with Valeriana is less dangerous than with some psychotropic medication.
On what stage of his disease a patient is at the moment of the contact with an additional pathogenic factor. Disease progression severity entirely depends on what stage of the disease a person has been at the moment of the contact with an additional pathogenic factor. For example, depending on the stage the patient is at an allergy can occur as diathesis, nasal asthma, eosinophylic infiltration or bronchial asthma. Or, such a dangerous infection as diphtheria. It can be nasal diphtheria, sore throat or a toxic form with the most harmful consequences (if a patient has, say, a thymus gland tumor). Meningococcosis can be symptom-free or with the symptoms of nasopharyngitis, meningitis or meningococcal sepsis.
When an organism goes over from the 1st to the 5th stages, we consider it to be the sign of a disease progression. The sign of recovery is when an organism goes over from the 5th to the 1st stages.
Thus, while treating the patient with a retrograding process in the joints, a tumorogenesis in hormone-productive organs, increase in inflammatory response (temperature rise, inflammatory response on the part of the blood), mucous discharge, then itchy skin eruption, are considered to be the improvement of the disease.
A patient with myoma is considered to be improving if she has endometritis or adnexitis, and the whites and skin eruption increase.
A patient with adenoids will get through nasal discharge and then diathesis increase.
In the next part of the lecture I will try to answer the most frequently asked questions of our patients.