In homeopathy there is no concept of “a diagnosis” in the sense that is used in allopathy. The aim of a homeopath is to recommend a remedy not according to the name of a disease, but to the features of a disease progression of a concrete person. In allopathy the disease diagnosing is based on the index of similar essential symptoms for different patients. For example: head ache, blood pressure rise, definite changes of eye ground vessels and electrocardiogram will lead the allopath to the one and the same diagnosis of “hypertensive disease” to any patient.
In homeopathy the diagnosis of a definite person sounds like a remedy name, symptoms of which this disease have turned to be similar to. In other words, the patient’s diagnosis will sounds in such a way: “pulsatilla”, “belladonna”, etc.
To investigate your disease a homeopath should know how, which symptoms, the course of your disease differs from other dozens of patients with the same blood pressure, head ache and changes on eye ground. The goal of the homeopath is to individualize the case, i.e. to recommend an individual remedy for a concrete person. In allopathy we have to prescribe one and the same standard of healing to dozens of patients with the same diagnosis. While a homeopath will recommend dozens of different remedies to dozens of patients having one and the same allopathic diagnosis. To do so, as you see, is much more difficult. That is why to be a homeopath is far more laborious and the study of the homeopathy method requires an additional long-term training.